Prayer for Sterling II


My buddy, Sterling, is having surgery today. As you may recall, he's had surgery before.

I'd like to ask you to join me in praying for him, his parents and family and his doctors.

In case you can't read the picture above, here's some things you can pray for:

1. No vision loss.

2. No loss of movement/weakness on left side.

3. Total removal of the tumor.

4. Seizures to cease.

5. Vital signs and total health.

I am extremely thankful for advances in modern medicine and science that makes this type of surgery possible.  I am also thankful for the team of medical professionals who are bringing all of their experience, training and expertise to bear on Sterling's case.  However, I am most thankful that I serve the Great Physician who is able to heal our souls as well as our bodies.  I'm asking Him for the miraculous. After all, that's what He's best at.

Thanks for joining me.

You can stay up to date on Sterling at


Why Adoption? Pt. 1


Boston Bound