Boston Bound

Wow! 21 comments over just three days on a post that is almost five months old is definitely a record for us here at Enigmatic Meanderings. I don't quite think it was the goal that my brother was shooting for. However, since dusting this thing off has been something I've wanted to do for awhile, I guess we'll go ahead and call it a win.So... Craig, Heather, Lori, Ronda, Kristi, Shane, Amy, Mom, Teofilo, DUDA, Dad, Ramsey, Kimberly, Tarik, Jane, Sarandipity, Taffy, and lk (is this really Lori with a different email address trying to up the number of comments?) this one's for you.

I apologize up front for its lack of depth.



Today, I'm headed to Boston. That's right.  The home of the Red Sox, the Bruins, the Celtics, the Patriots, Harvard, M.I.T., an actual tea party that actually stood for something and evidently a law firm that used to employ William Shatner and James Spader until it got canceled.

Why am I going?

I'm glad you asked.

1. I've never been to Boston, and I like going place I've never been before. Actually, there's a chance I went to Boston on a trip in the fifth grade, but I don't remember it.  So, it doesn't count.

2. I need a vacation. Yes, I meant to use the word "need" and not the word "want." I feel selfish and guilty taking a vacation. Most of you probably don't feel that way about vacations, which means you have less psychological issues than I do, or at least different ones.

3. I'll get to hang out with some guys that I don't hang out with enough. Namely this guy and this guy. Plus another guy I don't know yet.

4. I'll see the Red Sox play at Fenway park. All of my friends into sports tell me this is something men should do.  I'm a man.  At least, I like to think so.  Therefore, I'm doing it.  Bonus: I hear there's a big, green monster.  Awesome!

5. We Kinsleys are supposedly of Irish descent. Well, if I'm not going to Ireland, isn't Boston the next best thing?

6. I'll start rebuilding my level of skymiles. Isn't that what life is all about?

7. I get to put my new iPad to the travel test. Here's hoping it passes.

I really don't have that much else to say about this.  So, let's just chalk this whole post up to easing back into the blogosphere.

Until next time, keep meandering.


Prayer for Sterling II


The Passion and the Pesto