Why Adoption? Pt. 1

We’ve struggled to boil this down to a short, concise answer, but continue to find that difficult to do. The best we’ve got is this: There are children in the world who need a home and a family. We have a home and a family with some room. So, we figure we can provide that home and family for at least a few of those children who need it. Now, let’s see if we can’t expand on that a little bit.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. ~ James 1:27


Throughout Scripture we see a clear call to care for the fatherless. What better way to care for an orphan than to take one into your home? I wonder if we’re not beginning the conversation with the wrong question. Instead of asking, “why adoption,” I wonder if we shouldn’t be asking, “why not adoption?”

Now, I don’t believe that adoption is for everyone. Not at all. But I think, if it really is the best way to care for an orphan and we are called by God to care for orphans, then that’s at least where we should start. People who should not adopt will inevitably be able to discern the reasons that’s the case. But the rest of us… well, we’ll just begin one step closer to making it a reality. And those who shouldn’t adopt might just find in the process that they can help out one of the ones who should.


February's Arc Light Storytelling Event


Prayer for Sterling II