My Plays
(That Aren’t Really Plays)
Sure. It might be a stretch to call these plays. They’re too short to be one-acts but too long to be sketches. However, they were written to be performed on the stage. Plus, I always wanted to be a playwright, and it’s my website. So, I’m calling them “plays.”
A lot of people agree that there’s an issue in America that people don’t know the Bible. What if a trio of seventh graders decided to do something about this by making their own version of the Bible, one that leaves out all the boring and negative stuff? Shot and Edited by The Erwin Brothers * Starring Ben Moon, Erin Moon and Kanon Raulerson
Dustin’s got an issue. He’s trying to do things right in life, just like anyone else. The only problem is that doesn’t always happen, and he can’t get on with his life until it does, until he gets everything right in every situation. Directed by Santiago Sosa * Starring Brian Benkendorfer, Erin Burns, Reagan Pugh and Hannah Wilkerson
Austin got some weird message telling him that if he showed up to this one, particularly strange location he would find his true love. Sounds ridiculous, right? I mean, only a moron would actually try that. Starring Ben Brewer, Adena Farley, Ryan Greenawalt and Natalie Stone