My Bible Studies
(That You Can Still Get Somewhere)
I’ve written a number of different Bible studies, devotionals, and spiritual articles on a variety of topics and Scriptures for children, teenagers, and adults over the years, both as part of my employment and on a freelance contract basis. What I’ve included here is simply a selection that you can continue to utilize today. I pray they continue to be as fruitful in the lives of readers as they were in my life when writing them.
Alive Again
In this time between Palm Sunday and Easter, what we know as Holy Week, we want to reflect upon and remember what it was Jesus said and did. We want to see all He accomplished that week for our good and for God’s glory and how it propels us all on toward our own God-given mission and purpose.
Jesus was raised alive, again, so we too might have new life in Him. My prayer is that these ten devotions serve to motivate us throughout the rest of the year and the rest of our new lives.
Radical: The Bible Study
What does it mean to be a 1st century follower? Is it any different than being a follower in the 21st century? The radical things Jesus said 2000 years ago still apply to Christians today. Denying ourselves, giving up everything, and loving Him above all others is a radically different way to live. But it is the only way to truly live. We were created for more than a middle class existence. We were meant to count for His glory. Based on Dr. David Platt’s book, Radical: Taking Back your Faith from the American Dream, this Bible study helps us all consider what it means to really follow Christ.
Co-written with Jeremy Maxfield and Jenny Riddle. I served as the Executive Editor, as well.
The Kingdom
The "kingdom of God" is found throughout Scripture and is a primary focus of Christ's teachings. But what does the kingdom of God really mean to us? How do we enter the Kingdom? Is the Kingdom here? Is it coming? This study will help you answer these questions and discover glorious truths about the kingdom of God.
In Matthew 6, Jesus shared profound truths with the multitudes gathered to hear His message. In that sermon, Jesus included what has become known as the Lord's Prayer and modeled what an effective and powerful prayer life should focus on. He said in verse 10, "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". While the Lord's Prayer has become a central prayer in the lives of Christians, the kingdom of God concept is one that is often misunderstood. This study will take an in-depth look at what it means to be a part of God's Kingdom and to live our lives with an eternal mind-set!
31 Verses: The Way
Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know: The Way walks students through topics of truth, community and personal holiness. Jesus said He is the Way. Early Christians were called followers of the Way. Scripture repeatedly instructs God's people to walk in the Way of righteousness. 31: The Way provides daily guidance for students' spiritual journey along the narrow path with Christ.
31 Verses: Reverb
God is at work in the world. He has been from the beginning. From the moment He spoke creation into existence, He has been accomplishing His will and purpose. He’s on a mission, and His mission will be fulfilled. His message in this mission is that we can be right with Him through our faith in Him. Since He first revealed His message, it has taken on a reverberating quality, echoing through the lives of all who come to follow Him. And it will continue to do so until the end of time.
What’s even better is He offers us the opportunity to be a part of that mission, a chance to be used by Him. What we do with our lives matters. It affects the world and those around us. It echoes. This book is about whether people will hear us or God through us when they start listening to what’s around them.
31 Verses: Re
God continually reminds us that He has revealed what He really wants from us, and it has much more to do with His character than our behavior. What He requires isn’t mere religious devotion, but a real relationship in response to His redemptive work in our lives that results in our remaining with Him.
How will you respond to what He reveals to you?
Co-written with Brad Barnett, Laurabeth Barnett, Beth Ann Hill, and Graham Hill. I also served as the Executive Editor.
31 Verses: Following
All kinds of opinions exist about what it means to be a Christian. Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24. 31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know: Following encourages students to examine the nature of their relationship with God. Jesus called disciples to radical faith, sacrificial living, and complete devotion to God’s will. Scripture is clear that life as a Christ-follower is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. 31: Following provides daily guidance on what it means to be a disciple in the 21st century, helping teenagers follow Christ in their day-to-day lives.
Co-written with Andy Blanks, Emily Hooten, Kennerly King, and Jeremy Maxfield
31 Verses: Inhabit
Inhabit helps students develop lifestyles based on what God says about being holy while living in an unholy culture. “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” John 17: 15-18. 31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know: INHABIT helps students develop lifestyles based on what God says about being holy while living in an unholy culture. Christ-followers are set apart for His purposes, but they are not called to run away from a lost and dying world. Teenagers have to learn how to engage their culture without conforming to it. 31: INHABIT provides daily guidance on how to live a noticeably different life, honoring a holy God who loves and satisfies them completely.
Co-written with Andy Blanks, Kennerly King, Jeremy Maxfield, and Erin Moon
The Darkest Hours
How do we fit into God's master plan? Sometimes, our day-to-day can seem downright terrible. Sure, there are a lot of happy times in life, but there’s also a lot of bad. The Darkest Hours: Seeking God in Desperation is a revealing, four-week look into the lives of Samson, Ruth, Hannah and Hezekiah and the real-life struggles they all faced: shame, grief, loneliness and fear. We are reminded that even the strongest people in life will face tough times… Sometimes, even when they are seeking God’s will.
No Excuses
Paul’s letter to the Romans systematically explains the process of salvation and the responsibilities that salvation brings. The questions he answered are as timely today as they were to his original readers. And his answers show we have No Excuses for how we are to respond to God’s salvation in our lives.