Help Compassion International Help Haiti

I'm a little late to the ball game here but this is too important to let pass by.

Unless you've been completely out of touch you know that Haiti was hit by a 7.0 earthquake Tuesday, a catastrophe whose epicenter was right around the capital, Port Au Prince.

Government buildings have collapsed.  Hospitals have collapsed.  Hotels have collapsed.  Grocery stores have collapsed.  The U.N. headquarters has collapsed.  Thousand of homes have been destroyed.  The airport is in disarray.  Hundreds of thousands are dead and more are homeless.

All of this in a nation that is the poorest in the western hemisphere where two-thirds already live in abject poverty many on less than $2-a-day.

I have friends who have and are adopting from Haiti.  They've both been able to hear that their children are okay.  However, thousands of children are not.

I have friends who havehad the privilege to visit Haiti.  They've walked the streets, slept in the hotels, ate the food and been blessed by the people.  They can't get them out of their minds.

There are people I respect immediately there who are literally serving as first responders in a country that basically has none.

James 1:27 reads "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

The world is full of orphans and widows in distress.  Right now Haiti is full of them.  You are called by almighty God to look after them.

You're called to do something.

You can do something.

You have to do something.

For those of you who know me or have been readers of this blog for any amount of time you know that I love Compassion International and the work they're doing around the world to release children from poverty in Jesus' name.

I'd like to ask you to consider helping those affected by theHaiti earthquake by giving financially to their disaster relief fund.  Literally any amount you give will make a difference, but here's a breakdown of just how your money will be transformed into aid that is desperately needed.

• $35 helps provide a relief pack filled with enough food and water to sustain a family for one week.

• $70 gift helps care for their needs for two weeks.

• $105 helps provide relief packs filled with enough food and water to sustain two families for two weeks.

• $210 gift helps care for two families' needs.

• $525 helps provide relief packs filled with enough food and water to sustain 10 families for two weeks.

• $1,050 gift helps care for 10 families' needs.

• $1,500 helps rebuild a home.

• $2,100 helps supply 20 families with the basics for three weeks.

Actually, scratch that.  I don't want you to consider giving.  I want you to give.

Compassion's work in Haiti is run by Haitians.  The cream of the crop in Haiti.  They don't have to send people in.  They have people there.  They are in the right position to make a difference there right now.

There are a lot of people out there warning you to be weary of who you give money to, to make sure that it is actually going to help those in Haiti.  Maybe it's good enough for you that you'll just take my word for it that Compassion is the real deal and that you can trust him.  But if that's not enough (I don't take it personally) then check them out over at Charity Navigator.



Perhaps, go one further and sponsor a child in Haiti or one of Compassion's twenty-five other countries.





Amos Story Music Video by Aaron Ivey


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