Praying for Sterling
I started playing soccer when I was four-years-old. My team was called "The Gremlins," and we were pretty good. I absolutely loved playing soccer. I wish I had stuck with it because it's the one sport that I was ever any good at.However, I don't think I was as good then as this guy.
That's Sterling, son of Roger and Becca Davis. I got to go to his soccer game on Sunday afternoon, and I've got to tell you, boy's got skills. Like serious skills. He can control the ball but isn't afraid to let it get away from him for a moment. He drives hard. His footwork is good. Plus, he genuinely enjoys playing. It's like he doesn't know how good he is, and he doesn't get frustrated with any of the other kids who, honestly, aren't near as good. I mean, he scored 7 goals alone. If you know soccer, you know that's pretty good.
Anyway, watching this game was a great privilege because of how excited Sterling was to be playing. He didn't get to play last week, because there were some medical questions being asked about him at the time, some that have since been answered.
You see, Sterling has a tumor in the middle of his brain. It's about the size of a ping-pong ball, and today a group of medical professionals are going in to get it.
So, today, in the midst of everything else I might have going on in my day, I'm going to be practicing "praying without ceasing," perhaps like I never have before. I'd like to invite you to join me.
Here's a few things you can be praying for specifically:
A successful surgery. - What's the definition of "successful" here? Well, according to Roger, one simply where Sterling comes out of it. I know that sounds serious, but that's because it is.
Getting the whole tumor. - The doctor has told them that he expects to get about 85% of it with the chance to get the whole thing. Evidently, there's 15% that's in a blind area, and the doctor isn't willing to risk going into that blind area. Totally understandable. However, the way they'll remove the tumor, evidently, is by "drilling" into it so that it collapses on itself. Hopefully, the hidden 15% will collapse with the rest so that it can come on out. Roger equated it to a gummy worm being stuck in your kid's car seat. You pull on it hoping the whole thing comes out, but there's a chance the end breaks off. So, pray for the whole worm.
Good recovery. - They say that kids bounce back a lot better than adults. So, that's good. And Sterling's a strong, active kid (as you can tell from how good he is at soccer). So, I fully expect this one to be easy. However, we definitely want the Lord's hand fully in Sterling's recovery. They're expecting a seven-day hospital stay followed by about three weeks at home. However, he could be up and going after a couple of days. There's just a number of factors on which that depends.
A benign tumor. - This is just the beginning of a bit of a journey for Sterling, Roger, Becca and their family. The prayer is that the journey isn't made any more serious.
Strength for Sterling. - I can't imagine having to process this for myself, much less being a four-almost-five-year-old. It's a lot to deal with for sure, but I know that with God, Sterling can get through it for sure.
Peace for Roger and Becca. - Probably the hardest thing for them to have right now.
Guidance and empowering for Dr. Wellons. - This is Sterling's main doctor, at least the one that's going to be holding the instruments in the O.R. However, we're seeking the help of the Great Physician. I want Him to be the one working in and through all the doctors and nurses.
It's obviously going to be a long day. But you can keep up with updates I'm sure by following @jrogerdavis and @davisbecca on Twitter.
Prayer is effective. I believe it, and I know it. Thanks for joining me and all the many others lifting up Sterling today.