My Blog

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Life LIza Kinsley Life LIza Kinsley

How To Live In 2010: 35 Essential Qualities

There are any number of strategies that are recommended when trying to produce a good blog. One, of course, is to offer valuable content. Amongst content that will be considered valuable is the ever-popular "how to" post. I've decided to tackle a big one. How to live in 2010. The following are not steps to be taken in a given order, but are, instead, what I consider to be essential qualities to life. I hope you find them helpful.

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Life LIza Kinsley Life LIza Kinsley

Failure Is Not An Option

As everyone's aware (hopefully) we have entered a new year. Amongst other happenings, this is significant because it becomes a time for many people to set out on the road to the rest of their life with a fresh start. Many people mark this renewal by making resolutions, a list of hopes/dreams/aspirations/goals that they plan to accomplish in the next year. I have often been counted among these people. While I've never really taken it too seriously and often can't recall on December 31 what I had resolved to by then on January 1, I've still fulfilled my duty as a festive new year celebrator by making the list anyway. But not anymore. I will not be making any resolutions this year whatsoever.

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