Another Adoption Benefit

Chris and I have completed all our adoption paperwork.  So now, we just   sit back and wait!  We’ve worked so hard and are so ready to get this little one into our home.  Just when we feel there is a sense of relief in paperwork, we can’t really just sit down and wait.  The reality is that we need $30,000 to bring Haven home.  Through our savings, t-shirt sales, auction, and generous donations we are a little over halfway there!  So exciting, but such a far way to go!  We have applied for some grants and are continuing to trust that God will provide.  We are so confident in that!  Knowing that He very clearly told us and called us to adoption, we trust in His provision for our family!

Now that I am a stay at home mom, there are days that I miss the classroom.  Shocking I know!  I have worked since I turned 15 and before that I would always babysit for friends and family members.  I have just always loved children.  I ran a childcare for three years and then taught second grade for 6 years.  It’s weird (yet very rewarding) to get to spend my days hanging out with Story and taking care of our household.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended an excellent seminar called “Adopt Without Debt” by Julie Gumm put on by our agency Lifeline.  Julie really encourages you to think outside the box, but also embrace your gifts in ways to fundraise.  I so appreciated her saying don’t try to be something that you’re not.  I have big, lofty ideas of making something really cool that I could sell in an Etsy store.  However, I cannot even thread a needle.

In brainstorming things I COULD do using my God given gifts, I very quickly thought of taking care of children.  I’m no painter, seamstress, or creative person who can make something awesome to sell for some money.  BUT, I am a teacher at heart.  I love to play, sing, do crafts, read books, push swings, and interact with little ones.   And let’s be honest, who doesn’t need a few hours to themselves (especially around the holidays)?

SO, here’s my latest fundraising idea:

Wouldn’t you like to do some Christmas shopping without the kids in tow?  Eat a meal with grown-ups?  Have a couple of hours to yourself?  Help bring HAVEN home?

If you answered YES to any of these, please consider signing up for


The details:  Chris and Liza Kinsley are hosting two Saturdays where parents can drop off children at their house to play.  They will enjoy a holiday craft, lunch or dinner, and more fun!  You will enjoy your time to do whatever your heart desires!  Space is limited to 10 children.  Sign up soon!  ALL MONEY WILL GO TO THE HOME FOR HAVEN ADOPTION FUND!

When:      Saturday, November 19th, 2011 from 8am-1pm

                  Saturday, December 10th, 2011 from 3pm-8pm

Where:  The Kinsley’s House

                1605 Amberley Woods Lane

                Helena, AL 35080

Cost:      $40 per child/

               $20 for each additional sibling

I’m about half full right now.  I have a couple of friends who have offered to help Chris and me take care of the little ones if we get our maximum signed up.

*****Please help us spread the word or consider signing up your children.  They will have the best time and you will be able to mark some things off your to-do list or take a nap!*****

We continue to be amazed by our incredible community that God has surrounded us with.  Thank you all so much for your continued support on this journey.  We feel your love, support, and prayers!


Lifeline Banquet


USCIS Approval