Created for Care and 24

Yes!  So we have a new number…24.  Still not moving as quickly as we had hoped, but we refuse to loose that hope.  Obviously, our March timeline is looking more like summer time for a referral.  Things are slow, but we know God’s timing is perfect!  Trusting in that for the moment and continuing to pray for Haven.

Things have been quite busy around our household.  I got to attend an awesome retreat, which I want to share more about in a bit.  The day after I got back Chris left the country for 17 days.  I’m sure he’s going to want to share more about his travels in another post, especially since he went to Ethiopia for the first time.  Story and I kept ourselves busy by traveling to visit family members all over Mississippi.  It was wonderfully exhausting, but I know we both will cherish these memories.

Now, on to the retreat.  I got to attend Created for Care Conference this year and was so excited about it!  My mother-in-law went with me and treated me to this awesome experience.  It’s some kind of amazing to sit in a room with 433 women who share the same heart for adoption that you have.  About half the women there have adopted, over 150 were in the process, some were thinking about it, and others were just friends or family members there in support.

I was excited to meet up with some Mississippi friends old and new.  In the picture above is Megan, Me, Jenni, Mrs. Teresa, and Alison.  These girls are all on the waitlist for Ethiopia.  I’ve known Alison since college and Megan and I met several years ago through mutual friends.  I was excited to connect with Jenni and had heard so much about her from Mrs. Teresa.  My sweet mother in law goes to church with these awesome ladies.  I’m so thankful to get connected with so many people adopting from the same country our Haven will be from!

I attended some wonderful break-out sessions including “African American Hair Care”, “Practical Advice for Parents in Wisdom and Revelation”, and “Empowered to Connect”.  I gained so much wisdom and insight from each of these.  I was truly challenged and inspired by one of the main speakers, Dr. Susan Hillis.  She has an amazing story and knows God’s word better than anyone I’ve ever met.  She’s my new Beth Moore!  Her words were truly a gift to my heart!

Okay, so here’s the really funny part.  They had something called “Date With God” at this retreat.  It was something you had to sign up for.  Frankly, I thought this was the cheesiest thing I had ever heard of AND if I needed a “Date With God” couldn’t I just go outside and get alone for a quiet time?  I was really turned off.  Then several people who went last year encouraged me to go and said it was really life-changing for them.  So, I went. And I tried to have a good attitude and an open mind.  And wouldn’t you know that it was during this “Date With God” that He spoke to me in ways He never has before.  God really renewed my spirit at this retreat.  My passion for learning, growing, and seeking His face has been restored.

I’m so grateful for this sweet time and hope to take a bunch of girls with me next year!  Who’s in?




Team Haven