Created for Care

This weekend my sweet husband gave me the best gift ever.  The gift of a weekend away.  A weekend to retreat away with about 450 other adoptive mommas.  It was just what this momma’s heart and soul needed.  I am so grateful for him and how he loves me and cares for our family.

We have no new information on when Haven’s case will be passed.  There’s been some miscommunication, but our agency and the embassy are working very hard to resolve our case in the fastest amount of time possible.   We continue to pray for God to move mountains.  May His will be done.  May He be glorified in our waiting.

I realized this weekend how much I had been questioning God.  I’ve been frustrated and angry and honestly doing a lot of whining.

This weekend, God spoke to me in mighty ways.  He whispered in my ear and reminded me of His great love for me.  He told me He will fight for me.  I need only be still.  He told me that this is so much bigger than me, than Haven, than my family.  This is about Him.  This is about the gospel.

So, I’ve decided that there is no more whining.  I’m going to focus on the good.  I’m going to focus on the gifts.  I’m going to focus on God.

Thank you faithful prayer warriors for walking this journey with us.  We hope to be back on here very soon with an update.


Bringing Haven Home


It’s Quiet Here