Dialing Down to 11

It’s that time again.

We received a new update about where we stand on the wait list for Haven.

As you can see from the graphic to the right…

We’re number 11.

I was predicting we were going to move to number 12. So, I’m stoked.

Liza wanted us to be at number 9. So, you’ll have to ask her how she’s feeling right now.

When I wrote our program director back to thank her for the update, I tried to put how I feel into words. The following is all I could come up with.

I can’t help but feel like we’re close, not just closer.

Four children were placed through our program with their forever families this past month.

That’s awesome.

All of them were infants too.

That’s two months in a row where all of the children placed were infants.

Even though Haven might be as old as 3, he or she is considered an “infant” in terms of adoption.

So, here’s to hoping and praying August is another big month for orphaned Ethiopian infants.


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