Don’t Freak Out

Okay, so there is a really neat part of Haven’s story that I haven’t shared with many people.  It’s kind of weird and honestly I thought it might freak people out.  I was so worried about what other people might think, that I have kept this rather private.  However, my sweet mentor told me about a month ago that it is my responsible to testify to what the Lord has done.  She said she has been telling everyone, so I figured I might as well jump in and share too.  Not to say look at me, but to truly give glory to God for his incredible provision.

When we got our referral in October, I had a sweet friend call me.  Let’s call this friend “T”.  T called me and said:  “Liza, I just heard about your referral for baby Haven.  This is really weird and I hope I don’t freak you out, but I was in church yesterday and felt like the Lord was telling me to offer this to you.”

Me:  Ok.  (freaking out and not having any idea what is about to come out of her mouth.

T:  I have 3 freezers full of breast milk that I would love to give you for Haven if you would like it.

Me:  That is really so nice and generous of you.  Let me talk with my husband and get back with you.

The truth is, I was completely humbled that this friend would call and offer me this.   But, I thought it was a little weird and honestly, was planning on using formula for Haven.  There is nothing wrong with formula right?!  And there are so many options these days.  Surely we can find one for him.

Then we went on trip one to Ethiopia.  Upon our arrival, we found out that Haven had been in and out of the hospital 4 times.  They are still to this day not sure what was going on with him.  We got his referral at 2 month and traveled first when he was 4 months.  They spent those 2 months trying to feed him constantly.  He weighed 7 pounds at 2 months and 7 ½ pounds at 4 months.  He just was gaining weight and wasn’t able to keep any formula inside of him for long enough to absorb the nutrients.  We spoke with doctors and nurses in Ethiopia.  They thought he might be lactose intolerant so they tried lactose free formula.  That didn’t help.  We were told that breast milk would probably be best for his little body.

Chris looked at me and said he wasn’t sure that even if Gabriel himself came down from heaven and appeared to me to tell me to get breast milk, he isn’t sure that I would do it.  I would do anything to help my son, of course.  But, going to a breast milk bank seemed weird to me since I wouldn’t know who it came from.  And I can’t imagine even asking my best friend, “Hey, can I have some of your breast milk?”!  God knew all of this, so he sent this friend to me.  He provided for this need before I even knew it was a need.  He works in ways we cannot see and makes a way.

God continues to blow my mind with how he has put all of this together for my precious Haven.  My friend T and I just hugged and cried tears as we talked about God’s sovereignty.  She told me that with her first two children, she wasn’t able to produce enough milk and had to take supplements.  With this child, she said her cup literally runneth over.  She said it’s amazing to her that God knew that there was this baby half way across the world that would need her.  She didn’t know why she was producing so much milk or why she was even taking time to save and freeze it.

Since then, I have even had a second friend, who didn’t know about the first, offer me breast milk for Haven as well.  Okay, okay God, I get it.  Haven needs to be on breast milk and you are completely providing for that need.  And it’s a good thing that He provided for that need, because we have literally tried 5 formulas and Haven’s little stomach has not been able to tolerate any of them.  We’ve tried the expensive stuff and everything in between.  Just within the past week have we found a formula that he will take and tolerate okay to supplement with on occasion.

I cry every time I think about this.  It is so humbling that these ladies would be so willing to help my son without even knowing about our desperate need for something that his sensitive stomach could tolerate.  It is so humbling that God would orchestrate all of this so beautifully and perfectly.

I am so happy to report that Haven went from not even being on the charts to weighing in at 19 pounds as an 8 month old (10th percentile).  He is no longer having diarrhea, though he still has some explosions every now and then.   He is a happy and very healthy little boy and we are so grateful to our friends who have literally fed him for the past 6 weeks.   I’ll try to do a picture update next with details on our visits to the International Adoption Clinic.


Haven Health Update


The Body of Christ