The Ol’ Switcheroo

Liza probably built this up a little too much in her post yesterday, but here’s our big news:

We’re adopting from Uganda.

That’s right, Uganda.

You may be thinking, “But I thought you guys were adopting from Ethiopia? I mean, the whole design for your benefit was built around colors and elements of that country.”

Well, you’d be right. But as we’ve mentioned before, Ethiopia is going through some changes, changes that I pray will ultimately result in greater protection of and care for children. However, the changes mean that it would take us even longer to be able to adopt a child from there, and, frankly, we’re a bit impatient.

As Liza likes to say, we don’t think this is a “no” to adoption from Ethiopia. We view it more as a “not right now”. Hopefully we will adopt from Ethiopia in the future, but for right now, we’re focusing all of our efforts on Uganda.

I’m super excited about this since I’ve been to Uganda before. Its’ a really cool country. There are a lot of people from our church who have adopted or are adopting from Uganda. We now get to work with one agency instead of two (though Bethany was awesome, we’ll now solely be partnering with Lifeline to bring Haven home). The list goes on.

I’ll write more in another post about why we had considered Uganda in the first place, but for now, we feel like in the midst of a lot of unknowns, we finally have some concrete direction.

Praise God!


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