Light at the End of the Tunnel

Well, as the title suggest, we feel like we’re finally nearing the end.

Actually, it’s not really THE end. More like the end of this phase.

We think we’re really close to a referral.

We received our latest wait list update.

We’re number 6!

I have this weird thing with numbers, and I hate the number 6.

5 & 7 are great, but not 6.

However, today, I love 6.

And that’s the number of infants from Ethiopia that were placed through our program this month.

Now, you may ask, “How is it that 6 infants were placed but you only moved 5 spots?”

Well, I don’t know exactly. There could be any number of reasons. Two of those infants could have been siblings and been referred to a family waiting on a sibling group. Perhaps another families referral fell through so they received one of them.

I don’t know, and, frankly, I’m not too worried about it.

We just need September to be like August, and we’ll be there.

We’ll know who Haven is.

I leave for a trip to East Asia on September 27.

I’ve been saying this whole time that I think we’ll receive our referral before then.

It would still be a big undertaking for that to happen.

But we’re praying to that end.

Please, join us.


The Mystery Is Over


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