A New Strategy

We received our latest wait list update yesterday.

We’re now number 18.

For those of you keeping tabs, that means over the past month we moved two spots.

If that rate of progress continues, we won’t receive our referral for Haven until sometime in 2013.

Frankly, to us, that’s unacceptable.

Yes, any movement is better than no movement. We are very thankful to now be at number 18. We are even more thankful for all of the children that were matched with families this past month.

However, Haven is out there right now, separated from his or her mom and dad. We trust God to ensure he or she is cared for. But we’re tired of waiting. We want to bring Haven home.

So, I’m proposing a new strategy. And in order for this new strategy to work, we need your help.

Up until this time we know that countless people including all of you have been praying for us and for Haven. We know this because we have seen and felt the effects of your prayers. So, we’d like to ask you all to pray a little bit differently. It will still mean praying for us, just not as directly as you have been.

Instead of praying for us to get our referral, pray for the 17 families ahead of us.

That’s right, we’re asking you not to pray for us (you obviously still can, if you must). At this point, we’d much rather you pray for others, people you probably don’t even know.

Pray for their patience and perseverance.

Pray for their children to be cared and provided for.

Pray they will get a referral quickly and be united with their kids.

The more quickly their prayers are answered, the more quickly ours will be too.

So, come on. Let’s join them.

Who’s with us?


Mother’s Day Is Hard


Refused Discouragement