Hypothetical Theological Musings

Let’s say I told you I was a runner, had been one for years, and this seemed like it could be plausible to you. You began noticing that I wore a lot of Under Armor. I bought some new Nike Shox. I had a iPod Shuffle with a neoprene arm band and wrap-around sports gear headphones loaded with the “Rockout & Workout” iMix from iTunes. I began reading Runner’s World and measuring distances in kilometers. I even signed up for a marathon and said things like, “I bet I could beat you to the end of the parking lot.” I drank a lot of Vitamin Water.The only problem was that I was obviously carrying around a lot of extra weight and would get winded just walking up to the second floor. You would invite me to go running with you, but I had the convenient excuse of having always promised someone else I’d go running with them. Finally you convince me, and when I show up we barely make it around the block before I’m wheezing and complaining and call it quits to go home and play Mirror’s Edge on my Xbox.

You shrug your shoulders and figure out that I wasn’t really a runner at all. I put up a good front, but my heart just wasn’t in it.

Now, let’s say the more we spend time together you begin noticing that I talk an awful lot about the threat that Malaria poses to those living in Sub-Saharan Africa. I throw around tons of statistics and speak with informed authority about the transmission process from mosquitoes and the latest treatment and prevention options. I decry how uninformed the majority of the world is about this issue and implore anyone who will listen to help eradicate this disease by “Biting Back.”

You figure this must be something I really care about, and my impassioned speeches have convinced you to do something. So one day you ask me what you can do to help? I stare back at you blankly and say, “I don’t know.” You ask, “well what do you do?” I shrug and say, “nothing, I guess.” I then go into WalMart to buy a can of Off.

Again, you shrug your shoulders and realize that despite all my talk, I can’t really care about it that much. If I did, then wouldn’t I be doing at least something.

Later you’re reading your Bible (because you’re a good Christian, did I not mention that), and you stumble across James 2:14-26. After perusing it for a moment, you stop, think, and something occurs to you. "Aha!" you say.


Everything? Really?


Alien Philosophies